
Monday, December 29, 2003

Chasing Flags
I’ve been playing a bit more CTF over the past couple of weeks. In fact, over my “relatively sober” Christmas I didn’t play Q3 much; but if I did play, it was mainly to hone my remedial CTF abilities. But the more I play, the more patterns I see emerging…

An example: You all know Q3DM17, right? It’s the space map everyone plays all the time in FFA and 1v1 and it can get rather dull. There are some people who only know this map and these players are sometimes even worse than ME on the other maps! Well, there is a similar map on CTF. Everyone calls votes to play on it, or they only have this map on the rotation, and quite frankly it is really dull. It’s called Q3CTF1, and I think it’s standard with Q3.

I’m not saying I don’t like it, I like almost all maps, but sitting on one particular map day in day out is tiresome and IMO not the way forward for enjoyment.

Therefore I downloaded all the Threewave maps and a W3-something, and an X-something, plus a couple of cool one-off modified maps. That made about 30 maps in total. Some of them are really interesting, but they usually have serial numbers rather than names, so it’s hard to remember them.

It seems that I am actually quite good on certain types of map, and crap on others. This surprised me, because I thought I was crap on all maps! The one thing that bugs me (and causes me to dislike this “favourite” map) is that I’m extra-crap on Q3CTF1 – the one that everyone else wants to play on.

So I suppose the conclusion is that in order to be able to get anywhere near “competent”, I will need to spend a lot of time on the “favourite” map. Darn, I can clearly learn new maps quite quickly, but the most popular ones always take a loooong time for me to crack, as everyone else knows their nuances such as railjump spots, spyholes, etc.

Well, if you fancy winning a few games, just feel free to pop over and find me in there…I’ll be the one getting fragged.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Last Friday night was a stonker. It was the time of year for an office party, and only now, halfway though Monday, am I just about feeling awake again. One thing I do remember of Friday night is falling through my front door at 2am and plonking myself on the seat by my computer. I thought that I really should go to bed, but look – I might be thoroughly trollied, but I know I can see players on Q3, so I can’t be in that much of a state... can I?

I don’t really remember what followed, but needless to say, I didn’t play very well. In fact I only knew that I had tried to play when I was playing on Saturday evening and got a nice reminder from Nastyz00m. Apparently I had behaved myself and wasn’t horrendously offensive. I was just unbelieveably useless, and couldn’t splpell mty werdz peroply.

Saturday morning did not happen. And I am thankful for that.

On Saturday afternoon I became conscious and managed to scrape myself off my bed and dip my furry tongue into some water. Ouch that hurts. About 10 minutes later I decided to open one of my eyes. Double ouch. And then the other one. Triple ouch.

By about 7pm I was almost awake and completely swelling with grapefruit juice. Right, time to get on and frag some ass!

I was too frightened to go onto any of the usual servers, as I would have been a sitting duck for anyone, so I decided to play some base q3. Oh dear, I was even worse than I had been on Friday night. Then the room started swaying and the 3d graphics certainly weren’t helping. Back to bed for an hour then!

I woke up a short time later and felt loads better. In fact I managed to utter an entire sentence to my other half. I ate a piece of toast, and then went back onto q3, where I was, er, made into toast. At least my skill level was beginning to recuperate, and NastyHoodlum urged me into having a beer to improve matters. Hehe – hair of the dog and all that! I slowly got better and better, but soon the beer was not tasting as nice as it was earlier… back to bed for the night then!

Sunday was a blur of more pain, capped off by me thinking I was OK, then more wine. And finally a few more beers.

I woke up this morning, which was a good start, and carefully extricated myself from my bed, focused on getting myself to work, and sat down to write this. Hey, I nearly feel better!

But the best thing of the whole weekend was – I didn’t even chunder once!

Friday, December 19, 2003

Sometimes it just ain’t happening
Last Saturday I passed my Wing Chun grading to get my next belt - woohoo! I usually train on Thursday evenings, but yesterday I had sooooo much work to do, and I didn’t “really” need to train, so I stayed at home and did some work. When I finished, I decided to get stuck in with Q3, but something was wrong…

I went on a CTF server and was doing OK, in fact my team won on q3hockey, and I then decided to go and search for some Nasties. I got onto Klutzville and just kept missing everyone. I was struggling to railjump properly, I couldn’t turn around properly, etc. My mouse and maousepad felt weird, but I hadn’t changed them since yesterday.

The harder I tried, the more it seemed that everyone was ganging up on me – I was playing really crap; “Hey guys, Gimp season is officially open”!

So I took my mouse-ball out and scraped out all the crud from the sensors – you know – the usual fungus, sweat, vomit, etc, that gets stuck in there. But that made no difference whatsoever.

We then went to my place, where I was just as appalling. In fact, it seemed the more I played the worse I got! I was finally playing with just one other guy called obelix:( who was damn good. I sped up the server's rate so that he could download q3crypt and he simply railed me to kingdom come! And again on 17+. Maybe I had left my brain somewhere…

A poor showing from the Gimp, but I’ll be back to fly the Nasty flag again soon!

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

A nice warm feeling
I didn’t have much time to play last night as I had to play taxi driver for the younger members of my family. That aside, I had managed to download a few new maps, which I had seen being used on NastyWabbit’s server a couple of days ago.

I hadn’t had a chance to try them out, but thought I’d get stuck in for a while last night when I saw the ”Burial Grounds” map being used again on that WabbitClan server.

I joined the game and noticed that the aforementioned out-of-season-hunter and Nastyz00m (from the land of clogs and windmills) were having a chinwag. I left them to chatter whist I explored the map. I must say, this map is really cool, with a few nice surprises. Underground railway, hidden tombstones, etc. You can even see someone’s buried foot if you shoot into the ground by a particular grave. Weird!

We then went over to the GON and GON2 maps, and it was like a really cool party. A few more Nasties joined (Hoodlum, BanziBaby, StinkyFish), and it was quite simply a really good laugh. Just like a bunch of friends larking about for a giggle, railing each other’s backsides in really good spirit.

This is the reason I joined the Nasty clan, and I’m glad I did. Nobody gets serious or aggressive, you just enjoy being part of a special club. I guess it’s the first time I really felt I was integrated with the Nasties, as I have only been a member for a month, but that cosy warm feeling is very addictive.

I could have played all night long, but of course I had a lady friend beckoning me to her boudoir…Heh – Q3 is good, but not THAT good… I do have priorities, you know…;-)

Monday, December 15, 2003

EA Camp maps
Just had a fantastic weekend, and now it’s over, so back to the desk to earn a few more farthings to pay for my broadband (and flowers for her indoors to keep her happy while I play!)

One of the highlights was investigating a number of maps that have been lying around on my hard drive for a few months.

Some time ago EA Games did a set of maps for Quake 3, called – yes you guessed it – the EA Map Pack. So I copied my server config into a new file and set all the maps to rotate through all the EA maps. No sooner had I got on there that I was joined by the good old very Nasty Old Shark, and the not so Nasty Blondie.

I must say, most of them are pretty good, and have better soundtracks than the normal maps, with deeper ambiance overall. Most of them are space maps, which insta players love, and there is a particular one, eadm8, which has a little surprise (this one is not a space map – but that’s not the surprise).

By now, Sharky had said :£””-)¦<, or something like that, and had gone away, whilst Blondie said “brb”. So I decided to lay in wait…If you can find the telepod room on eadm8, you will see steps leading up to the telepod. I decided I would hide under these steps and get a cheap shot when she came by. So I stood next to the steps and couldn’t get under. Let’s try crouching. Ahh, here we go… I was squatting down, slowly moving under the steps when I suddenly hear alarm bells ringing, and get showered by grenades! Ouch – Gimp’s Gibs everywhere!!! That’ll teach me not to camp!

The great thing about these maps is that you can often camp on high ground and frag others who are a few levels below you. That isn’t the great bit. This is the great bit: most of the spawn points are right behind the best camping spots, so if you get taken out by a camper you are very likely to spawn right behind them and get your revenge! HAHAHAHA!

Get the ea pack from my ftp link on the right (only if my server is on, of course).

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Another morning, another pasting
I didn’t play at all yesterday, as I had to drive around the country peddling my wares to unsuspecting clients. I finally returned home at about 10.30pm and decided to check my emails (whilst lagging the players on my server hahaha), and then went to bed. A day away from a computer screen was, after all, quite a nice thing.

So I woke up this morning at 6 and went downstairs to do some work. What work? Oh, I didn’t actually have any to do, as I had left it all at the office on Monday. Well in that case let’s see who’s playing.

I found a US insta-unlagged server and joined with a 200 ping (against everyone else’s 50-70 ping). Still, I was only just waking up and the central heating wasn’t on yet so I was freezing my knackers off. After a sloooow start (2 frags to everyone else’s 20) the guy leading, called “Crip” said to me “Nasty, you suck”. Very true, I did indeed suck, but hey with a nice low ping I’d have the lot of them (not)!

Towards the end of the game another player got ahead of Crip in the frag stakes. Crip then said “You lot are so boring to play with and have no style of your own” and then left the game. What a totally not arrogant guy!

So I went over to DRN 1v1 to act as someone’s target practice (forget his name). I just hate it when players have their names in black. Derrrr I can’t see your name, black writing is NOT cool! Damn good player, beat me 4 games to 1, and was usually just a sitting duck for him. Showed me how to jump down the side of DM17 onto that ledge thingy. First time I ever managed it – wahey!

I spent the next 15 minutes trying to land on that damn ledge again and again and failing miserably, and then had to detatch the cats’ claws from each others’ throats. Time to feed them then. Later guys.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Spawncamping... true or false?
Interesting one today. I was working from home, and in order to ensure my productivity was high, I had a self-imposed lunch break for an hour. Well, since it was an hour I thought I'd have a game.

I did a general "internet" server search and saw a server that belongs to a Nasty clan member! It's a 1v1, which I don't play that often, but fancied a go.

No sooner had I spawned that I got fragged by Mr Coldhand. And again, And again. Then I got off a lucky one and the next couple of frags were fun, even though I lost the second one. Then until the end I was killed at spawn. 10-2.

Now I don't think of myself as a moaner, but that's hardly a game is it? I did mention that I thought he was a good player but needed to refrain from spawncamping. To which he replied "so I should let you frag me should I?". Good reply - after all I would have shot him the first chance I got. We agreed that it is hard to know what's the best thing to do here. He then beat me 10-0 and 10-7 :-)

Maybe a couple of seconds spawn protection is of the order? But that's unusual on 1v1.

Nothing concrete, just thoughts :-\ ...

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Pennies (or Penny’s) from heaven

That thoroughly decent on-eyed skeleton NastyJeff sorted out my server configs a few months back, for which I am ever grateful (so grateful in fact that I joined his clan). As you may know from elsewhere in the blog, more recently I have been totally messing up my own gameplay configs, thanks to my frequent brainfarts.

And now I have found the answer in that quasi-humanoid-config-generator called Penny. She rocks. In fact, even after my config broke by server and I couldn’t get the old one back, she has created, from scratch, several options of configs with different settings, etc, and I now have the best config anyone could possibly imagine.

If I want to I can set it to 125fps, but as my screen refresh rate is 75 I have capped it at that. This gives really smooth gameplay, with all the nice graphics how it was intended.

So I have now also got myself the modified railgun with cool sound and miniature “recharge” screen (download mcrail.pk3 from my ftp server if you like and stick it in your insta folder).

Now my gameplay is sooo smooth that I know its my useless ability that causes me to miss, not the system!

Penny you are a star – fragtastic!

Monday, December 01, 2003

Bring out the Girls!
Ooooo, this is what we like! In a game of battle, rivalry and testosterone you would think it unlikely that there would be many female players. Well, think again.

Until a few weeks ago I had met perhaps half a dozen female players and it was always a delight to see them in the arenas. I guess it adds a more human dimension and makes you feel you’re in combat with real groups of people.

The girls I had met on Q3 were always amusing, clean, smart, and most of all they didn’t complain like many of the blokes do. So it was really great when all of a sudden I met 5 of them almost at once. Two of them have since joined the clan and the other three are regular contributors to the Forum.

They’re all good players, very helpful (especially Penny, who I believe is not actually human – she is actually an AI born in the quake world, pretending to live in South London; how else can she possibly know so much about config settings?), and of course they’re all gorgeous - that’s if their models represent their true shapes, which I’m sure they do :-)

The only worrying thing is this…

I once joined a game on DM0, where two of them were in the first room with the big mirror. Yep, you guessed it. They were posing in the mirror, trying on different heads. Just as if they were in the ladies’ room at a nightclub, fighting to get as near the mirror as possible to adjust their eyeliner. Girls will be girls eh? More lipstick darling?

Catching the (F)Lag
I just had a great weekend – what a life of Reilly I live: Thursday: Black Tie dinner in London, Friday: Give passenger rides in racing cars at Goodwood, Saturday: go to France for a booze cruise, Sunday: Fly an aeroplane around Surrey and Berkshire.

And the only way to cap off that lot on Sunday evening is… yep, you guessed it… a cracking good game of Q3. Well, let’s say it was “mixed” anyway…

I recently took some in-game screenshots and posted them on the Nasty forum, and was told what a pathetic fps rate I had (that’s frames per second for the uninitiated). Mine usually runs at 40-60fps, which is usually OK. But when others started boasting of 120fps I thought I needed to try some tweaks.

I took lots of advice, changed settings, etc, but it always maxed out at 60fps. So yesterday I went on the web, found a config file from a famous player and tried that one. Immediately I was on 160fps! But I still needed to incorporate my own models, binds, etc, so I modified it slightly. Still, it was no problem and I capped it at 120fps. Right, time to enjoy faster, smoother gameplay.

Err, no actually. It was fine when I visited other servers, but as soon as I played on my own server I would get serious lag, and so would everyone else on the server. Hmmm, I guess my new-found config eats up all my server’s resources and has none left for all the players.

So I put the good old 60fps one back and all was back to normal again. Now, time for some fun.

We’ve been bantering on about Catch the Flag, and NastyJoe decided to set up a CTF server. So I went over there and promptly got my arse railed big time. He’s good, very good, and while I was doing an extremely effective impression of a newb, I was joined by NastyJeff and the cavalry. Yeah, come on, let’s get him!

To be honest I can’t remember who won, but 2v1 was still darn hard against him. Then Nastyz00m joined and helped Joe trounce us once again. Ooo –what’s next? Ahh the space map, I like this one.

Then I hear the call from reality beckoning me…Oh drat, is it time to help kiddies with homework already? We will meet again, you talented bar steward…

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